
Mon 03 December 2018

A Thousand Thousand Jemaah Attends Kaltim Bershalawat VI

Tens of thousands of congregation packed the Sempaja Madya Stadium, Samarinda, Saturday night (1/12/2018). The great congregation is called Syecher Mania, who kneels and proclaims a prayer for the Prophet Muhammad.

The congregation that is not accommodated in the stadium still follows the prayer in the stadium parking lot using a large screen.

This grand prayer ceremony is a Kaltim Bershalawat VI activity, which is held by PT Regional Development Banks of East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan (Bankaltimtara).

Dozens of thousands of worshipers who have come from various parts of East Kalimantan since Saturday this afternoon seemed to be solemnly following the prayer which was again headed by Habib Syech Bin Abdul Qadir Assegaf.

Before entering the shrine location, some pilgrims chose to take pictures at the photobooth prepared in front of the stadium.

The committee also prepared a giant screen outside the stadium in anticipation of the explosion of worshipers who came.

Bankaltimtara President Director Zainuddin Fanani thanked Syecher Mania who was present at the Sempaja Intermediate Stadium. "Hopefully this activity will bring blessings to all of us," said Zainuddin.

Kaltim Bershalawat VI is a permanent agenda to commemorate Bankaltimtara's Anniversary. "May we all be appointed by Allah, granted, and released from evil," he said again.

For your information, on 53rd Anniversary, Bankaltimtara took the theme of the Joint Steps to Building the Country. "Please ask the congregation to pray for Bankaltimtara in order to provide the best service for the development of East Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. Hopefully we will be more innovative and creative in the future," said Zainuddin.

Meanwhile, the Governor of East Kalimantan, Isran Noor prayed that all worshipers who were present well, and blessed by God, would be granted health, and be provided with their sustenance. "We are indebted to the Messenger of Allah. Prayer or not, the Prophet Muhammad will not lose or go down safaat. It is precisely we who lose if we do not pray," said Isran.

Habib Syech Bin Abdul Qadir Assegaf revealed that he often went around with Isran Noor, when Isran was still East Kutai Regent, and Chair of the Indonesian District Government Association (Apkasi).

Habib Syech also invited the congregation to pray for this country so that it was always given security, safety, peace, blessings and blessings.

Habib also invited the pilgrims to turn on the cellphone lights and then recited prayers. "This is not a spectacle of prayer. But we pray together. Let's take care of the same. The one who has a cellphone can turn on the lights while we are praying," he said.