
Tue 09 August 2016

Bankaltim Supports Use of Online Payment Application

Regent of Berau, Muharram and CEO of Bankaltim, Zainuddin Fanani also signed an agreement with acceptance of hotel and restaurant based tax payment of android

Berau. Regional Revenue Service (Dispenda) Berau District launched an android based application. As the name implies, an application called Simhore (Hotel and Restaurant Tax Management Information System) is intended for taxpayers of both fields of business.

The launch of Simhore application that was held at Balai Mufakat, Tuesday (2/8/2016) was attended directly by the Regent of Berau and the President Director of Bankaltim, Zainuddin Fanani. Regent Berau Muharram gave appreciation to the ranks of Dispenda who have been innovating utilizing technological developments to facilitate the taxpayers, so through this application, is expected to be able to increase Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD).

Applications that can be downloaded directly through google play this, the plan will also be developed in IOS-based software. Meanwhile, Bankaltim President Director Zainuddin Fanani said it fully supports the use of online payment applications. The support, said Zainuddin in the form of cooperation acceptance of hotel and restaurant-based tax payment android restaurant. Because software-based, any notification of payment via smartphone device is considered to be a valid payment proof. "So taxpayers need not worry, although there is no receipt in the physical form," he said.

Head of Dispenda Berau Maulidyah said that currently there are 112 hotel and restaurant taxpayers in Berau District. Who actively pay taxes by visiting Dispenda there are only 20 places of business. The rest, because constrained geographical barriers, inevitably officers who actively come to the taxpayer.

 "Through this application, the limitations of officers and geographical barriers are no longer there," he said.

To use this application, said the woman who is usually called Dyah, the taxpayer simply download the application, create an account and pay taxes through Bankaltim on a mobile which is also connected to the server owned by Dispenda.

Dyah claims, android application-based tax payment is the first time done in Indonesia. Therefore, it seeks to continue to develop, so the application is expected to remain stable in terms of connectivity. On that occasion, the Regent of Berau, Muharram and Bankaltim's CEO, Zainuddin Fanani also signed an agreement with the acceptance of hotel and restaurant-based tax payments.