
Thu 16 August 2018

Bankaltimtara Wins 2018 IERMA Award

The steps of Bankaltimtara's management to implement enterprise risk management (ERM) in increasing the value added for the company so that it has high competitiveness produce proud results. Friday (3/8), Bankaltimtara was awarded the Indonesia Enterprise Risk Management Award II2018 (IERMA II 2018) in the Gold category.

This award was presented directly by the Founder & CEO of Economic Review Magazine Nana Irlisa R and Head of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) IKNB-2B Supervisory Department Bambang W Budiawan to the Director of Compliance of PT BPD Kaltim Kaltara Andi Hadiwijaya. Located in Mawar I, Balai Kartini Ballroom, Jakarta.

Andi Hadiwijaya said, ERM is a major requirement for banks, not only because of government regulations. ERM implementation will increase added value for Bankaltimtara as a limited liability company (PT).

"With ERM being applied consistently and committed from top level management and supported by all company people, we hope that the bank's vision and mission can be realized and can increase shareholders wealth," he said after receiving the award.

The implementation of IERMA-II-2018 is the highest award to companies that have successfully run risk management, so that the company performs well, grows and absorbs large jobs.

The winners of the 2018 IERMA II award who attended were companies that were proven to have a series of advantages by implementing risk management well. So that the example of the company is expected to be a benchmarking for other businesses in Indonesia towards a world-class company.

"Through this appreciation, we want companies in Indonesia in the future to be more successful in implementing good risk management," said Chairman of the 2018 IERMA II Organizers and Founder of the Indonesia-Asia Institute & Economic Review Hj Ray Irlisa Rachmadiana SSn MM.

Irlisa added, the 2018 IERMA-II award was given for the risk management assessment obtained by the jury from public data in 2016-2017. The winners were assessed, namely private companies, Tbk, BUMN, BUMD, BPD, BPR, and others.

The risk management process is outlined in clear policies and technical guidelines. Where the risk management process is carried out systematically, consistently, with the same language, it will produce a rhythm of risk management that adds value to each business process sequence.

Thus, the successful implementation of risk management always starts with strong commitment and leadership from top management, combined with competent human resources, especially in the field of risk management. Plus is supported by a risk awareness culture throughout the company. "We hope that the implementation of 2018 IERMA-II can motivate companies to pay more attention to the implementation of good and right risk management," Irlisa concluded.