
Mon 20 August 2018

Commemoration of Independence Day, Bankaltimtara Holds Flag Ceremony

The ceremony of the commemoration of the 73rd day of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), which was held by all employees of PT BPD Kaltim Kaltara, Friday (08/17) took place solemnly.

Routine warnings are held every year that take place at the bank parking lot, headquartered at Jl. Jend Sudirman, Number 33, Samarinda. The commemoration of the 73rd Anniversary of the Indonesian Independence was followed enthusiastically by all of the bank's employees.

Acting as ceremony inspector, Managing Director (Managing Director) of PT BPD Kaltim Kaltara Zainuddin Fannai. In his message, he uttered as a gesture of gratitude; we must also always follow with a reflection. As a nation's child, how far have we been able to give the best work to our motherland. Are there ideals of independence that we have been able to realize in essence.

"This year by taking the theme of Our Work of National Achievement, it is hoped that all Indonesian people can realize the spirit of independence to continue working in real terms, in order to realize national achievements," he said.

This also applies to banks that are also named Bankaltimtara. Through the 73rd anniversary of Republic of Indonesia's independence, Zainuddin invited to unite the spirit of a common step, in order to enhance the togetherness and solidarity of fellow Bankaltimtara people.

"Together we continue to work on building our beloved institution to become a bank that continues to excel, both locally and nationally," said Pak Zai, the nickname of Zainuddin Fannai.

Various series of achievements have been achieved by the bank that has just opened the Long Mesangat sub-district cash office, Zainuddin invited all of his staff to continue to thank him. As in 2018, the bank has managed to get several awards.

For these achievements, the director advised not to fall asleep. Because there are still many tasks to be done to build this institution. This task is not only the responsibility of all Bankaltimtara personnel.

"On this occasion, I express my gratitude and sincere appreciation to all employees. Because of that we are able to achieve it solely because of all of our hard work. Of course these achievements must be maintained and improved, hard work and smart work must be carried out continuously. sustainable "said Zainuddin.