
Wed 08 June 2016

Mayor of Samarinda and Bankaltim Officially Launch Ramadhan Market Year 2016

Samarinda Mayor Syaharie Jaang officially opened Ramadan Market in Gor Segiri Parking Field, Monday (6/6/2016). The opening was marked by beating drum by the mayor and the President Director of BPD Kaltim (Bankaltim) Zainuddin Fanani. In addition, Bankaltim also handed over the symbolic waste carts as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

According to Syaharie Jaang, the opening is a way for people to be orderly and not to make traffic jams in Ramadhan 1437 H. It also saw a quite promising turnover for traders in Ramadan Market.

"We hope that this Ramadhan Market will respond well and in the future it will be smooth. For own turnover according to Bankaltim can reach more USD 200 million. We'll see that there are thousands of people who have not yet been opened. Hopefully it can be good for the immigrants who open the kiosk here, "said Mayor Syaharie Jaang.

Meanwhile, Zainuddin Fanani said that in a situation of slow economic growth, the existence of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is very important for the government and banking. The reason, there is a chance of economic turnover of SMEs.

"According to a survey of Indonesia's economic resilience statistics it is supported by the existence of SMEs like the one here. Because they will not be affected by the economic recession. This is supported by what they sell is the need of the people of food so it is not possible they do not eat, "said Zainuddin Fanani.

In the event, Bankaltim also handed over some carts from the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) budget which was intended as a community effort besides utilizing Ramadan market but also conscious of cleanliness.

"We also handed some carts for cleaning. Later will be placed in a narrow alley. But we put it here first we do this because many other banks do not pay attention to the cleanliness side, "he concluded. (*)