
Mon 22 August 2016

Student Savings Are Simple! Students Simply Set Rp 5.000 to Open Savings

Doing good and useful for the future can be done by anyone. Especially if we've saved up early. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) of Kaltim cooperates with Bankaltim to hold socialization of saving early on its agenda as well as to welcome the 71st anniversary of Indonesian Independence at SMKN 5 Jalan Wahid Hasyim Sempaja Timur, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Monday (8/15/2016).

The event was attended by President Director of BPD Kaltim Zainuddin Fanani, Head of Financial Services Left Kaltim (OJK) Dwi Ariyanto and 900 students of class 1,2, and 3 SMKN 5. Director of BPD Kaltim Zainuddin Fanani happy with Simpel savings program. Students are enthusiastic especially when the Head of OJK invites menyamyi Bang Bing Bung Yuk We Nabung to the Bank. Then Simple savings product there are 3 namely Simple, Conventional, and Shari'a.

The savings product is designed with several excellent such as the student's name listed on the passbook, then the light monthly deposit free of monthly administration fee, and the affordable deposit.

The students enthusiastically open an account for Simple Savings. The initial opening is only Rp 5,000 and then deposits Rp 1,000 per week with the service from BPD Kaltim is active to the school or it can also directly deposit students to the Bank.

Head of Kaltim Financial Services Authority Dwi Ariyanto found said, the event at SMK Negeri 5 to run the central OJK Program Savings Savings Savings Student (Simple).

"We happen to be from the OJK given the opportunity to become Inspector Ceremony (Irup) and I am interested Irup.Kami happy because OJK with the Bank have a savings development program called savings program Savings depositor from OJK Program working with Bank one of them Bankaltim," he said.

He continued the direction of the event to revive the culture of saving early with the banking industry for school-age children from early childhood or Raudatul Adfal to high school and boarding school.

Including Simple IB for Shariah is designed with a wait. Expected to increase the literacy of school children's knowledge on banking products and financial inclusion that is improving student access in order to use the kites of banking services he explained. (*)